# Connect - WordPress

This documentation is deprecated. Please check our latest one.

# Requirements for connecting WordPress site

  1. Your WordPress site should be a Self-Hosted Website.
  2. Your host supports WordPress version 5.6 or greater. If not, please follow this article.

# Connect to WordPress

  1. Open the admin page of your WordPress sites and click Users > Profile.
  2. Scroll down to Application Passwords section and add Application Password Name for your site (i.e. Robopost). Then click Add New Application Password.
  3. Save the password shown below Add New Application Password button in a secure place.
  4. Let's get back to Robopost. Navigate to CHANNELS > Connect channel and click WordPress self-hosted button.
  5. Enter your site URL, username, and the password you saved in Step 3, then click Connect.
  6. After the pop-up is closed, click CHANNELS > Channels and confirm that the WordPress site is listed.